SUS's efforts have contributed to improved treatment during exams at SU

A year ago, SUS drew attention to cases of discriminatory behavior by exam invigilators at Stockholm University. SUS took the initiative to collaborate with Examination Services (Tentamensservice), which is responsible for the administration of most exams at the university, to improve the situation.

Through meetings, SUS and Examination Services have discussed measures to ensure respectful treatment of all students. The result of this work is that Examination Services has now updated their oral introduction for new employees with a clearer focus on treatment issues. In addition, they have introduced training that is held every semester, where issues of equality, grounds for discrimination and good treatment are central.

This is an important step towards a more inclusive and safe exam environment for all students at Stockholm University. In order for us to continue to push for improvements, we encourage students to contact our Ombud if they experience insecurity or poor treatment in connection with exams.

Your experiences help us in our work with Examination Services and the university!


SUS thanks President Astrid Söderbergh Widding for 12 years of valuable collaboration


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