SUS drives important questions in SFS and SSCO 

Many issues that concern students at SU also concern students in Stockholm and in Sweden, which is why SUS is a member of Stockholm's Student Unions Central Organization (SSCO) and Swedish National Union of Students (SFS). Through our membership and participation in these organizations, SUS affects students' everyday life on a broad front. Recently, annual meetings have been held, where SUS has been active and influenced decisions. 

An important issue for SUS has always been mental health. Therefore, SUS within SFS, has pursued the issue of the possibility of part-time sick leave for students and how to make sure that universities ensure that students can participate in their courses at half speed. To strengthen the students' voice, SUS board member Martin Hansson has been elected to the SFS board. SUS also voted for the elected presidium, both of whom come from Stockholm universities. Stockholm is Sweden's largest student city, therefore representation is important. We hope we will also ensure that in the future as our Vice president Alicia Dickner was also elected to the selection committee for SFS. 

At the regional level, SUS has focused on the financial aspect of being a student in Stockholm. SSCO is pushing issues such as lowering the cost of the SL card, an issue that SUS previously pushed through and which we continue to support. SUS's President 2023/2024, Disa Ahlblom-Berg, was elected as SSCO's next President and we trust that the perspective of being a student at SU is something she will keep there as well. 

SUS strives to ensure that students at Stockholm University can influence both their course literature, but also issues that concern the whole country. Through the work in SSCO and SFS, SUS ensures that these opportunities exist. 


The SUS presidium is handing over their mission 


Questions and answers about the encampment at SU