Questions and answers about the encampment at SU

Did SUS take a stand regarding the war going on in Gaza?  
SUS obviously stands behind human rights and thus condemns all forms of anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, and incitement against ethnic groups. Read our full statement here.

What is SUS's position on student exchanges to Israel?   
SUS does not want SU to send students to places that are insecure or affected by warfare, this also applies to Israel. SUS has regular dialogue with SU's management regarding the ongoing situation.

What is the student association Stockholm Academics for Palestine?
SUS members can join and form a student association. As a student union, SUS must ensure that values of democracy and equal treatment permeates the organisation.  

Stockholm Academics for Palestine is a student association that was founded in the autumn of 2023. The purpose of the association is to gather academics with or without connection to Stockholm University who advocate a free Palestine in opposition to Zionism and to act politically and religiously unbound. They use their place in academia to freely advocate for Palestinian liberation.  

The association has organized lectures, film screenings and meetings since it was started last autumn. The association is open to all students who want to get involved. 

Is SUS a co-organizer of the encampment?  
No, SUS is not a co-organizer. Some of SUS members have participated in the encampment and SUS has highlighted ongoing camping on social media. 

What is SUS's position regarding encampment interrupting the public hearing of the proposed new President of Stockholm University?   
Stockholm University is an open university where different ideas must coexist.   

SUS appreciates that students and staff at the university have the opportunity to ask questions to the proposed President. We maintain a good and transparent recruitment process where students and staff can freely ask questions. 

Who can I turn to if I need support? 
For those students who experience a lack of support and want additional support, we would like to refer you to establish counseling support via Student Health Services, which continuously publishes available times.  

If you are harassed or discriminated against on campus, you can always contact the administrator of discrimination cases who can be reached via


SUS drives important questions in SFS and SSCO 


What upcoming activities are there on campus?