The SUS presidium is handing over their mission 

The operating year 2023/2024 is coming to an end, which also means that SUS's current President, Disa Ahlblom-Berg, and Vice-president Alicia Dickner, will soon be handing over to SUS's next presidium. It has been a year filled with challenges and opportunities. Our leaders have shown their commitment and pursued questions about students' influence, rights and community at Stockholm University. Here Disa talks about her time as SUS presidium: 

Disa Ahlblom-Berg 

Describe your time as SUS's President in three words: 

Challenging, fun and relationship-building! 

What achievements are you most proud of during your time as SUS's President? 

There are several things to be proud of, but one specific thing that I am very proud of is being involved in developing the new rules for targeted educational support at SU. They will hopefully make it both easier for students to apply and also lead to shorter processing times. 

What lessons do you take from this experience? 

There's a lot I've learned from leading SUS but one of the biggest experiences is how much I've learned about myself. When I was elected to the SUS presidium two years ago, I thought that I could not speak in front of people at all and began all my speeches by saying that I was bad at giving speeches. Since then I have really challenged myself and managed to speak in front of lots of people, for example at the Albano inauguration or when I participated in a panel at sustainability forums. 

Your best memory from your time as SUS's President: 

It is super hard to pick one memory because I carry many great memories from my time at SUS. But one of the best I would say is the campus council meeting! There is something very nice about the community that exists on campus between the associations and that meeting is definitely one of the coziest meetings you can attend. 

Best advice you would give your successor: 

Dare to ask questions when you don't understand something! It's a lot to learn, and it can feel a little overwhelming in the beginning. However, there are lots of people around who you can ask if something feels unclear, both the office, the board, representatives and others who have done most of what you will do. 

What happens next?

I take over as the President of SSCO on July 1! 

Alicia Dickner

Describe your time as SUS's Vice President in three words: 

Fun! Educational! Very difficult!

What achievements are you most proud of during your time as SUS's Vice President? 

We have worked incredibly well to give SUS and student influence better conditions for the future.

What lessons do you take from this experience? 

The importance of being able to collaborate and plan in order to have space to be flexible when the schedule gets tough, I think that's what we had to do the most during the year - from large social events to glögg being spilled at the same time as the guests arrived at Luciabalen's glögg mingel.

Your best memory from your time as SUS's Vice President: 

I've had an incredible amount of fun, but the recruitment of the new President of Stockholm University is probably what feels both the most fun and the most important.

Best advice you would give your successor: 

Build relationships with each other within the presidium and the board, meet students and have fun!

What happens next?

I'm starting my new employment as a subject teacher! And hopefully finishing my master's on the side. But I take over as Vice President of the SUS election committee, and in the election committee for SFS and SSCO.


Thank you Studietid!


SUS drives important questions in SFS and SSCO