The Social Democratic Students

The Social Democratic Students (S-Studenter) is an association of students with social democratic and progressive values. The basis of our ideology is the belief in human equality, in democracy, feminism and anti-racism. We want to see a student union that works to enable all students to benefit fully from their education, regardless of economic and social prerequisites. We want SUS to be a voice for more and affordable student housing, lower prices in public transportation and for the state to stop raising prices for facilities and instead invest in research and education. 


  1. More affordable student housing

    With today's rent levels in newly produced student housing and with high rent increases, students cannot afford to live. We therefore want SUS to work, for example, through SSCO and SFS for more and affordable student housing. The student grant and the housing grant must be adapted to today's rent levels. 

  2. Stop the profit from Akademiska hus!
    Today, Swedish government agencies, such as SU and other universities, are not to own their own premises and facilities. These are instead owned by the state-owned Akademiska hus, who charge increasing rents, giving forward profit meant for research and education, back to the state. We want SU and other universities to be able to own their own facilities, choose who to rent from and for Akademiska hus to stop pretending it’s an actual market.

  3. Cheaper SL cards for students! It makes no sense to force students to pay 650 SEK for the SL card when the trains can’t be trusted and bus 50 to campus is constantly full or late, making students late or miss important parts of their studies. We want the price to be lowered for students. 


Mirja Ekman

What are you studying? Bachelor's degree in History with additional courses in Literature and Political Science. 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because I am prepared to fight for student's right to affordable housing. Since I am originally from Luleå and moved to Stockholm for my studies, I know the stress that hits you when you try to find student housing in Stockholm. No student should have to turn down their dream education due to a lack of housing. 

Best student memory? The first time I went to Gula Villan with friends in my history course, it is still one of the most enjoyable evenings I have had so far at the University. It made me a loyal follower of Gula Villan's Wednesday pub. 

Louise Malm

What are you studying? The Cultural Studies program in Media and Communication. 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because I will fight for everyone's justice and equality - regardless of social and economic background. Reasonable housing at a reasonable price creates the opportunity for young people to choose to study. Being able to use public transportation should not be a class issue, so we need to reduce the price of SL cards. And it should be a given fact not to take out profits from Akademiska hus! 

Best student memory? My exchange semester in Dublin at UCD. It was a fun, exciting and educational semester. And where I got the opportunity to study courses that I would not have been able to do at SU. I think everyone who is given the opportunity to study abroad should take it!

Felix Pettersson

What are you studying? Political Science with a focus on public governance.

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because I want to see the situation regarding the university's premises resolved. No more exams on weekends, no more lessons over Zoom, no more excessive profits for Akademiska hus! 
Best student memory? It's difficult, but I would probably say that the first period of my first semester as a whole is my best memory. I got to know my fantastic classmates and my studies went well at the same time. Everything went really smoothly, and I have to thank my class a lot for that! It's really hard to pick one specific memory as the best! 

Nima Nikaein

What are you studying? I study Law and am in my 7th semester.

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election?  I want students to have the opportunity for real recovery. We know that students are significantly worse off than their professional counterparts and that opportunities for actual time off and rest are in short supply. 

Best student memory? The Zoom pub during the pandemic/distance period. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I think back on it. Best? In any case, unforgettable.

Kevin Strumble

What are you studying? The Law. 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? I will work hard to improve students' well-being and represent their interests. 

Best student memory? One of my best student memories was when some friends and I went canoeing together. At first, the weather was fine, but towards the end of the canoe trip, a big storm broke out. Even though it was a bit dangerous, it was a very memorable day. 

Viktor Dahl

What are you studying? I'm studying the Master programme in Economics and Political Science. I am in my last semester. 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because all students should have the right to at least one day off between courses. Having exams on a Sunday 15-20 and then getting up and running the next day risks burning out students and making those who take a day of rest fall behind. 

Best student memory? Going on an exchange! 

Elliot McGrath

What are you studying? Economics, ethics and sustainability! 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? I think that students' interests should come first and want to work for real improvements for the students at SU, such as lowering the price of the SL card. 

Best student memory? My first student dinner ("sittning") during the intro weeks! 

Alicia Dickner

What are you studying? I graduated as a teacher, but I'm currently taking a break from my master's degree in French linguistics to be vice-president of SUS. 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? No, rather vote for one of our top candidates! But vote for me if you want the state to take responsibility for the completely sick system for renting premises, that's my personal main concern. 

Best student memory? It must have been when I went to the Nobel Banquet.

Henning Larsson

What are you studying? Bachelor in Political Science! 
Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? To ensure that we get more cheap student housing in Stockholm!

Best student memory? My kind of covid-adapted intro week. 

Mahmod Bek

What are you studying? Studying political science! 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? I promise to fight for the best interests of students. 

Best student memory? When you get your exam back!


Felicia Vendel 

What are you studying? The Law program! 
Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? I am quite reasonable. 

Best student memory? It has to be my exchange semester in Amsterdam. 

Johannes Salo 

What are you studying? Finnish! 

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because I want to ensure that we get more student housing at reasonable prices near SU! 

Best student memory? The best memory was actually being able to study on campus after digital studies during the pandemic. 

Alexander Hallberg

What are you studying? Bachelor's program in history, politics and society.

Why vote for you in the Student Union Election? Because I know what it takes to succeed in your studies. Security, support and good student life.

Best student memory? The Humanist Association's 110th anniversary at Nalen was something very special. I will remember that until I die.


The Student Association of the Left