The Classical Association
The Classical association organizes events for students interested in subjects such as Latin, Greek or Classical Archaeology and Ancient History.
ESN - Erasmus Student Network
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit student organization currently present in 42 countries and more than 1000 higher education institutions around Europe.
Green Party Student Section
We are the student association for the Green Party (Miljöpartiet de Gröna), providing a unique platform för students pushing for sustainable policy.
The Humanities Faculty Club
An association for students of the humanities at SU.
You can find us at Gula Villan, behind the library at campus Frescati.
Marxist Students at Stockholm University
Lectures, debates and student-led discussions on history, politics, economics and philosophy from a Marxist perspective.
Motorsportsföreningen SU
Motorsportsföreningen serves the purpose of bringing students with an interest in motorsport together, where we especially share the joy of Formula 1.
Muslim Students SU
MSSU (Muslimska studenter SU) is a student union association at Stockholm University. We arrange lectures focusing current themes and we will also arrange social activities where you get the chance to broaden your network with new contacts from SU for an increased sense community among us.
The Natural Sciences Faculty Club
An association for students of the natural sciences at SU! Join us at Gréens villa!
Psychedelic University Students in Stockholm (PUSS)
An association for students interested in psychedelic research and science.