Student Union Election – what happens now?
Are you wondering what happens after the Student Union Election?
See the timeline below!
1. The parties enter negotiation meetings.
After the Election has ended the parties enter into negotiation meetings. They negotiate what advocacy issues SUS will focus on and who will be on SUS board and presidium (President and Vice-President). The negotiation meetings are coordinated by SUS Election Committee and all minutes of the meetings will be posted on SUS website continuously.
2. SUS's Representative Assembly - May 23
The final decisions are made on SUS’s Representative Assembly on May 23.
SUS’s Representative Assembly is the highest decision-making body of SUS, and they make decisions about SUS' three-year activity plan, framework budget and what issues SUS will pursue, among other things.
The party that recived the most votes during the Election has the greatest influence over the final decisions on this day.
3. SUS new leaders are elected!
Now SUS has a new elected board, a President and Vice President as well as prioritized advocacy issues for next year.
Read more about SUS advocacy issues and how SUS works here: This is SUS
4. Next year 2024-2025!
The elected President and Vice President together with SUS office work to realize the advocacy issues for students at Stockholm University the coming year!
Read more about SUS democratic governance here: SUS's democracy and election